1.         PURPOSE

1.1      The purpose of this Code is to set the standards of behaviour that “Hibiscus Coast Basketball Association” known as “Coast Basketball” from here on in, considers necessary of Athletes, Coaches, Officials, Parents/Spectators and Volunteers.  The standards and rules are set in the interests of the game of basketball and the reputation of Coast Basketball.

1.2      Failure to comply with the standards outlined below is an offence and is subject to disciplinary procedures.

1.3      Alleged offenders may be put on report following any disciplinary procedure.

1.4      It is not the intention of this Code to prevent courteous and proper athlete and coach exchanges with the referees, or to discourage preventive officiating such as a ‘quiet word on the run’.  However, in instances when acceptable behaviour has clearly ceased, penalties will be invoked.


2.1      This Code applies to:

(a)      All persons who are within the jurisdiction of the Constitution and Policies of Coast Basketball.

(b)      Employees and contractors of Coast Basketball, in accordance with the Employment Relations Act.

(c)      Coaches, officials, administrators, volunteers and any other person involved with basketball as governed by Coast Basketball.

(d)      Associations, clubs, and other bodies directly or indirectly affiliated with Coast Basketball.

2.2     The appointed Officers of the Association shall abide by this Code in harmony with the Committee Code of Conduct.


3.1     Athletes shall conduct themselves in a manner which brings credit to themselves, the game and the reputation of Coast Basketball.  They shall give due regard to the authority of officials and the rights of opponents, spectators and others.  They shall follow all policies of Coast Basketball and shall:

(a)     Play according to the letter and intent of the rules and regulations of basketball and of the particular game, tournament, or league in which they are participating.

(b)     Play in a spirit of competitive sportsmanship accepting the official's decisions without dissent.

(c)     Control their behavior on and off the court and refrain from any violent or abusive actions and language.

(d)     Respect their opponents and not participate in any baiting, verbal abuse, or intimidating activities.

(e)     Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

3.2     Athletes shall accept refereeing with good grace:

(a)     Approaches to referees shall be by the (court) captain and/or head coach only and in accordance with the provisions of FIBA Official Basketball Rules.

(b)     Court captains (and coaches) are to approach referees in a courteous and reasonable manner.

3.3     Athletes shall refrain from:

(a)     Continually following officials to question decisions.

(b)     Dissenting from decisions, either with words or body language.

(c)     Making gestures with waves of arms, indecent body language, facial expressions, and other similar actions of dissent.

(d)     “Mouthing off” when officials turn their backs or the athlete turns away from the official. 

(e)     Using rude, offensive and/or threatening language.

3.4     Athletes specifically shall not;

(a)     At any time verbally abuse an official, opponent, spectator or other person within the precincts of the game, tournament or league venue.

(b)     Use an audible obscenity within the confines of the playing area, including team bench, during a game, warm up periods and post-game within the playing area, particularly in relation to comment to or about game officials.

(c)     Make obscene gestures of any kind within the precincts of the game, league or tournament venue.

(d)     Violently, dangerously, with anger, hit, kick or throw a basketball within the precincts of the game, tournament or league venue.  This includes hitting, kicking or throwing a ball recklessly within the venue and with negligent is regard for the consequences.

(e)     Violently, dangerously, with anger or otherwise treat the game equipment or fixtures in such a way as night reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the equipment, fixtures or people in the venue.

(f)      At or in any game, tournament or league under BBNZ, regional or local Association or jurisdiction shall engage in ’aggravated behaviour’ defined as:

  • One or more incidents of behaviour designated in the Code of Conduct as ’aggravated behaviour’; or

  • One incident of behaviour that is flagrant and particularly injurious to the success of a game, tournament or league, or is singularly reprehensible; or

  • A series of 2 or more such violations of this code within a 12 month period which singularly does not constitute ’aggravated behaviour’, but when viewed together, establish a pattern of conduct that is collectively reprehensible and is detrimental to the game of basketball and reputation of Coast Basketball.

(g)     Give, make, issue, authorise or endorse any public statement within the precincts of the game or tournament venue, having, or designed to have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the game, tournament, league and/or officiating thereof.

(h)     Wager anything of value in connection with any game or event under BBNZ, regional or local Association jurisdiction.

(i)      Offer, give, solicit or accept, or agree to offer, give solicit or accept anything of value to or from any person with the intent to influence any player’s efforts in a game.

(j)      Engage in conduct contrary to the integrity of the game of basketball and reputation of Coast Basketball.


4.1    Coaches and Managers shall conduct themselves in a manner that reinforces their place as leaders and role models, and encourage positive communication between themselves and athletes, referees, administrators, parents and the general public. Coaches and Managers shall ensure they follow all policies of Coast Basketball at all times and shall:

(a)      Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.

(b)      Perform their coaching duties on the basis of careful preparation.

(c)      Ensure that their instruction is current, accurate and appropriate, and that it is based on practices for which they are qualified with acquired knowledge and skills.

(d)      Have a primary concern for the health, safety and personal welfare of their athletes and, accordingly, should take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse.

(e)      Treat all persons with dignity and respect thereby providing a model of fair play and sportsmanship.

(f)       Observe the letter and intent of the rules and regulations of basketball, and of the particular game, tournaments or league in which they are participating, and insist that athletes and teams under their direction do likewise.

(g)      Remember that they have undertaken the responsibility of assisting their athletes to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of basketball to achieve their potential, as well as promoting desirable personal traits in them.

4.2      Coaches shall accept refereeing decisions with good grace:

(a)      On-court approaches to referees shall be by the court captain only and in accordance with the provisions of the FIBA Official Basketball Rules.

(b)      Coaches are to approach referees in a courteous and reasonable manner.

4.3      Coaches should refrain from:

(a)      Continually questioning decisions;

(b)      Dissenting from decisions, whether by words or body language;

(c)      Making gestures by waving arms, indecent body language, facial expressions, and other similar actions;

(d)      Using rude, offensive, and/or threatening language.

4.4     Head coaches shall not encroach onto the playing floor during the course of a game (other than as authorised by the FIBA Official Basketball Rules) or move out of the coach's box while the game is in progress.

4.5     Given that assistant coaches must normally remain seated on the team bench, assistant coaches shall not assume actions or positions reserved for head coaches.

4.6     In addition a Coach will:

(a)     Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual athlete as a human being.

(b)     Treat everyone equally regardless of gender, disability, ethnic origin or religion.

(c)     Respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each athlete in order to help each athlete reach their full potential.

(d)     Maintain high standards of integrity.

(e)     Operate within the rules of our sport and in the spirit of fair play, while encouraging your athletes to do the same.

(f)      Advocate a sporting environment free of drugs and other performance enhancing substances within the guidelines of the Drug Free Sport New Zealand.

(g)     Do not disclose any confidential information relating to any athlete without written prior consent.

4.7     Managers will:

(a)      Abide by the rules as set out inclusively in 4.1 and rules (d) to (g).

(b)      Be responsible for the overall welfare and well being of team members and officials when travelling with a team.

(c)      Maintain a ‘duty of care’ towards team members and be accountable for the management of the team.

(d)      Have a sound working knowledge of the Constitution, Policies, and ensure that the conduct of the affairs of the team is in accordance with these and or any other policies and guidelines determined by Coast Basketball.

(e)      Foster a collaborative approach to the management of the team.

(f)       Do not disclose any confidential information relating to any athlete without written prior consent.

4.8      Professional responsibilities of Coaches and Managers:

(a)      Display high standards in your language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation.

(b)      Display control, courtesy, respect, honesty, dignity and professionalism to all involved within the sphere of sport - this includes opponents, coaches, officials, administrators, the media, parents and spectators.  Encourage your athletes to demonstrate the same qualities.

(c)      Be professional and accept responsibility for your actions.

(d)      You should not only refrain from initiating a relationship with an athlete, but should also discourage any attempt by an athlete to initiate a sexual relationship with you, explaining the ethical basis of your refusal.

(e)      Accurately represent personal coaching qualifications, experience, competence and affiliations.

(f)       Refrain from criticism of other coaches.

(g)      Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your athletes.

(h)      Seek continual improvement through ongoing coach education, and other personal and professional development opportunities.

(i)       Provide athletes with planned and structured training programmes appropriate to their needs and goals.

(j)       Seek advice and assistance from professionals when additional expertise is required.

(k)      Maintain appropriate records.

(l)       Provide a safe environment for training and competition.

(m)     Adopt appropriate risk management strategies to ensure that the training and/or competition environment is safe.

(n)      Ensure equipment and facilities meet safety standards.

(o)      Ensure equipment, rules, training and the environment is appropriate for the age, physical and emotional maturity, experience and ability of the athletes.

(p)      Expect that athletes attend all trainings.

(q)      Show concern and caution toward sick and injured athletes.

(r)       Allow further participation in training and competition only when appropriate.

(s)      Encourage athletes to seek medical advice when required.

(t)       Provide a modified training program where appropriate.

(u)      Maintain the same interest and support toward sick and injured athletes.

(v)      Protect your athletes from any form of personal abuse.

(w)     Refrain from any form of verbal, physical and emotional abuse towards your athletes.

(x)      Refrain from any form of sexual and racial harassment, racial vilification and harassment on the grounds of disability.

(y)      Any physical contact with athletes should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the athlete's skill development.

(z)      Be alert to any forms of abuse directed towards athletes from other sources while in their care.

In addition a Training Programme Coach or Deliverer will:

(a)      Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. 

(b)      Ensure characters (and their names) used in case studies, exercises and examples must be free from stereotypes and unlikely to cause offence. 

(c)      Ensure the training programme, content, process and/or activities must include all trainees and avoid giving an advantage to any one group over another. 

(d)      Verbal and non-verbal language must be non-discriminatory. 

(e)      Humour must be non-discriminatory.  

(f)       Training programme materials such as session plan, videos, imagery and handouts must be non-discriminatory and not cause offense.


5.1     Referees and other technical officials (including score bench personnel) have an important role in ensuring that acceptable behaviour is displayed by all participants on the court at all times. They shall:

           (a)     Be mentally and physically prepared for the entire game or event.

           (b)     Maintain complete neutrality at all times.

           (c)     Accept their role as a communicator and role model for fair play.

(d)      Accept their role as a member of the “officials’ team,” embrace team work, co-operate with and assist fellow officials, score bench personnel and others associated with the game or event.

(e)      Ensure that all athletes have a fair and reasonable opportunity to perform to the best of their ability, within the rules and regulations of basketball and the particular game or event.

          (f)      Conduct themselves in a professional manner both on and off the court.

          (g)     Attend organised functions as a representative of referees and officials.

          (h)     Remain open to constructive criticism and suggestions from the Technical Committee, or delegated authority, showing respect and consideration to those offering assistance.


6.1    Parents and Spectators will:

(a)     Agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.

(b)     Follow all policies of Coast Basketball.

(c)     Respect Coach, Manager and Officials decisions and teach athletes to do the same.     

(d)     Recognise the value and importance of Coaches, Managers and volunteers. They give their time and resources.

(e)     Remember that athletes participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours.

 (f)     Focus on the athlete’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.

(g)     Encourage athletes to always compete according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.

(h)     Never ridicule or yell at an athlete for making a mistake or losing a competition.

(i)      Remember that athlete’s learn best by example.

(j)      Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.

(k)     Show respect and appreciation for Coaches, Managers, Officials, Administrators and volunteers of the sport.

(l)      Remember that destructive criticism has no place in basketball and especially in junior basketball. It is very hurtful to the recipient and, ultimately, reflects very poorly on the game.

6.2    Parents and Spectators will not:

         (a)     Pressure their child or another child in any way.

         (b)     Arrive at the venue intoxicated or drink alcohol at matches or events.

         (c)     Use bad language, nor will they harass other athletes, coaches, officials or other spectators.

         (d)     Criticise or ridicule their or any other child’s performance after the game.

The Hibiscus Coast Basketball Association “Code of Conduct” document is hereby accepted and agreed.

The Hibiscus Coast Basketball Association Code of Conduct shall be in force until the policy is reviewed by HCBA Board.